
Information in English


AKS is a voluntary after-school activity program for all children between first and fourth grade. The main purpose of AKS is to offer children a safe and playful environment which contribute to their professional and social development.

The scheduled schoolday normally ends between 13 pm and 14 pm. In our youngest group of students, nearly 100% attend AKS every day.

AKS offer exiting and educational activities within the following areas: Nature and sustainable environment, physical education, arts, culture and creativity, food and health.

Most activities are voluntary, and the children decide what courses to attend. Some children prefer adult- led activities while others enjoy the freedom of playing outdoors, reading, building and so forth. Always with adult supervision of course.

When the school day is over we start AKS by eating together. We provide a hot or cold meal twice a week. Three days a week the children bring their own food. We spend time outdoors everyday.

All children wanting to attend AKS need to apply. This is done from the school website, but the responsible person for each grade level is also happy to help. Please see contact information below.

AKS is free of charge:  

Children attend AKS after school only

Children are being picked up at any time before 3.30 pm every day

Children attend AKS no more than two days a week during the school holidays

AKS has an extra fee:

Children can freely dispose AKS full opening hours:

from 7.30 am before school starts and

until 4.45 pm after school

Children attend AKS every day in the school holidays when needed

Contact information AKS:

First grade (Base 1)

Malin Jessen: andres.cuero@osloskolen.no

Base 1 tlf.: 414 82395

Second grade (base 2)

Andrès Ochoa: markus.eriksen@osloskolen.no

Base 2 tlf. : 9530 63 951

Third and fourth grade (base 3 and 4)

Markus Eriksen: malin.jessen@osloskolen.no

Base 3-4 tlf.: 90411204